BlenderBIM Reference Manual

Welcome to the manual for BlenderBIM, the free and open source BIM add-on for Blender.


Introduction to BIM (2-minute read)

Brief overview of BIM concepts and BlenderBIM’s role.

Installation (5 to 10-minute process)

Installation guide and system requirements.

Exploring an IFC model (15-minute guide)

Load and navigate an IFC model.

Creating an IFC model (20-minute guide)

Create a simple BIM project.


BlenderBIM Interface Guide

Guide to the BlenderBIM interface.

IFC modeling

IFC modeling techniques and concepts.

Tracking revisions with Git

Collaborate on projects using Git

Drawings and Documents

2D drawing generation and annotation.

Structural Analysis

Structural analysis capabilities in BlenderBIM.

Costing and Scheduling

Cost estimation and project scheduling features.

Advanced Use Cases

Advanced topics and large-scale modeling.


Real-world BIM project tutorials.

User Interface Reference

Detailed UI reference.

Other add-ons

Other complementary add-ons


Troubleshooting when things go wrong

Get Involved

This manual is maintained largely by volunteers.

Please consider joining the effort and Contribute to this Manual.

You can also can help with Translations and Internationalisation

For users who want to contribute to the BlenderBIM codebase, please refer to the Documentation for Developers. This part of the documentation covers various aspects of the BlenderBIM development process.

You can get in touch by joining the chat.

Developer Documentation

BlenderBIM is an open-source project, and its development is driven by the contributions of a dedicated community of developers, architects, engineers, and enthusiasts. If you’re interested in contributing to the project, whether by submitting bug reports, suggesting new features, or contributing code, your involvement is highly encouraged and appreciated.

Getting Started

Introduction to contributing to BlenderBIM.


Setting up a development environment.

Hello, world!

Understanding the project structure.

Undo system

Working with BlenderBIM’s undo system.

Code style

Code style guidelines and best practices.

Running tests

Testing and quality assurance.

System support

Multiplatform compatibility.

User Experience and User Interface guidelines

User experience and interface guidelines.